Псоролін: мило при псоріазі (75 г), Psorolin Medicated Bar, Dr. JRK's Research & Pharmaceuticals Під замовлення з

Псоролін: мило при псоріазі (75 г), Psorolin Medicated Bar,  Dr. JRK's Research & Pharmaceuticals Під замовлення з від компанії greencard - фото 1
425 ₴
Під замовлення, 45 днів


35 ₴
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75 ₴
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Товар под заказ из Индии 45 дней. Бесплатная доставка. Оплата предварительно.

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Psorolin (Psorolin: Medicated Bar) - gentle and thorough cleansing of your skin. Medical soap contains aloe vera extract, which helps to cleanse the skin and restore the respiration of cells, and also has an antibacterial effect, and raythia dye exfoliates dead skin cells and prevents the further spread of allergies.

Active ingredients: Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) - it contains more than 75 useful vitamins, minerals and amino acids that kill germs, moisturize the skin, increase the level of collagen, giving it elasticity. Aloe Vera also helps restore the water balance of cells, preventing dryness and peeling of the skin.

Wrightia dye (Wrightia tinctoria) is known for its antipsoriatic effect, promotes exfoliation of dead keratinocytes and has an antibacterial effect.

Instructions for use:

Use it as a regular soap. Moisten the soap with water and gently massage it over the wet surface of the body. Then rinse with water. Suitable for daily use.

Ingredients: Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) - 10%, Wrightia tinctoria - 10%, vegetable oils and fatty acids - 0.5%.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry, cold and inaccessible to light place.

. Manufacture country: India


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